Sunday 28 February 2010

Twilight Elevators - Untitled

Twilight Elevators' demo EP starts off with 'Lost and Found,' a track which is beautifully understated. Light and playful drums waltz around with melodic guitars, creating a relaxed and warming feel. Folk and blues influences blend effortlessly together, and singer Josh Worthington's vocals glide into the mix. It has the same type of complicated sentiment that Scars on 45 achieve; an abstract longing tinged with self deprecation.

The second track, 'Barkisland Bandits' is more upbeat in tempo and instantly catchier, bouncing along with plucky guitars and smooth harmonica. The vocals are sparse and bittersweet, light enough to float along the track and give it a summery feel.

The last two songs are both littered with tenderness and longing, the melancholy tempo gives the songs a much sadder and reflective tone, a Bon Iver reference would not be out of place. It's a pleasant enough EP to listen to, but the politeness restricts them from having the impact they could.

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