Monday 25 February 2013

Maaike Breliman Interview

You could almost say it was fate that Maaike Breliman would be cast in the role of Kate Bush for ‘WOW’, not only does she share the singers birthday but also a strong resemblance in appearance and vocal style. As Kate Bush only toured once, Wow will give fans a chance to hear Bush’s songs performed live by Maaike and great attention has been given to the production to make it as authentic as possible. During rehearsals we caught up with Maaike to find out what she loves about Bush and how she has been preparing.
What is it about Kate Bush that you think captivates people so much?
I think it’s the fact that it’s got so many different aspects that are all good. The lyrics plus the music plus the detailed recording and arranging plus the way she would express and perform so I guess it’s a lot of different things all combined.
What where the most important elements for you as a performer trying to emulate Kate Bush?
I’ve always said that as a singer I’m not the kind of singer who aims to make people dance but I want to touch them, I’d rather have people having goose bumps and being touched in an emotional way.
You have had to train for all the dancing, how has that been?
Yes sometimes it is, I’m not 21 anymore so it’s hard work. I have always danced and worked out a lot, which has helped, but it’s a lot of work still.
What are some of the challenges you have faced getting the show together?
Luckily, I have a good eye for detail as does our producer. I wouldn’t want to have a show that doesn’t have a lot of details in it.
How have you managed rehearsing while in different countries?
Always been a challenge, we are very grateful for the internet so we can stay in touch a lot, does speed things along when you don’t have to send things through regular mail. My band are all from UK so they can sometimes practice without me, I can prepare for the dancing in Holland, my backing vocalist is from Holland to so I fly back and forth a lot, its a lot of planning. 

Published in Yorkshire Evening Post 

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